From the course: Linux System Upgrade and Patch Management

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Identifying and prioritizing patches

Identifying and prioritizing patches - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Linux System Upgrade and Patch Management

Identifying and prioritizing patches

- [Instructor] In this video, we will go over identifying and prioritizing patches in a Linux environment, which is crucial, of course, to maintaining system security and stability. And we will go with identifying available patches first. So of course, first you need to know what patches are available for your system. This involves staying updated with your Linux distribution security advisories and updates. It's very important for a system administrator to stay up to date. Most Linux distributions offer a command line tool or a package manager that can check for and list available patches. And for Debian and Ubuntu, of course, those commands, we use apt-get update and then apt-list --upgradable to see available updates. Okay, so that's the command for Debian/Ubuntu. And let's look at the command for CentOS or RHEL. We use yum check-update or, of course, new command dnf check-update to list the updates. So once you have identified those available patches, then the next step is assess…
