From the course: Learning Wedding Photography

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Reviewing postproduction examples

Reviewing postproduction examples

From the course: Learning Wedding Photography

Reviewing postproduction examples

In the previous movie, I mentioned the importance of using a tool like Lightroom in order to process your photographs. And here what I want to do is show you some images, so you can get some ideas about how you might use a tool like this in order to process wedding photographs. One of the things that you have to keep in mind is that when you're working with a high volume of pictures, a lot of times the adjustments that you'll make, they're going to be more global rather than specific because you don't have the time to get into all of the little details of each and every image. Let's take a look at a few photographs which I think will illustrate how you might want to post-process your photographs using a tool like Lightroom. This first photograph is one that we've seen previously, and here you can see it's this portrait of the groom as he just drove up. Here is the image after it's been processed and then now here you can see the image as it was captured straight out of the camera…
