From the course: Learning Wedding Photography

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Preplanning the photography of the event

Preplanning the photography of the event

From the course: Learning Wedding Photography

Preplanning the photography of the event

In preparation for this course, I came across this great quote about planning a wedding which I think is relevant to us here, and here's the quote. It said that who knew that planning a wedding would be akin to staging a Broadway musical? And it's really true, isn't it? Weddings are complicated. There are so many different stages and phases and people involved. And as a wedding photographer, we need to be keyed into that. In order to be keyed into that, we really need to plan ahead to think about who is going to be at this wedding? How we're going to photograph it? What are the different stages and phases of the day? You know, wedding photography is kind of unique in a way. Let me explain why. In most areas of photography, you practice, you practice and practice, and then you do the important shoot. In the wedding photography, it's completely the other way around. Perhaps you're good at certain type of photography. Perhaps you're good at architectural photography or food photography…
