From the course: Learning Wedding Photography

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Photographing the couple

Photographing the couple

After the ceremony and before the reception begins is a great time to capture photographs of the bride and the groom. You really want to take advantage of this window of time. Often you'll set it up beforehand, you'll say after the ceremony, let's take 5 minutes or 30 minutes or whatever you can get, and let's create some interesting portraits. And in weddings, one of the things that's so unique about them is that people want to have their pictures taken, whether it's the guest, like we saw in the previous movie, or it's the bride and the groom, and you want to take advantage of that, and you really want to explore how you can capture the emotion of this unique time. For the bride and the groom, you also want to carve out some space for them, because weddings, they can often be a blur. Your job as photographer is to add some clarity to that event, so they can really savor and remember it. So let's take a look at a few different weddings and a number of different photographs, that will…
