From the course: Learning Wedding Photography

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Next steps

We've covered a lot of great content in this course. Well, what's next? What are some next steps that we can take in order to be better wedding photographers? One of the first next steps that I think that you can take is to revisit some of the content that we've covered in this course because we've raised some important questions like, why capture wedding photographs at all? I think you want to articulate an answer to that question. We also talked about the importance of planning ahead, and I referenced that PDF file where you can write out your goals. What are your goals when you're photographing a wedding? What type of images do you want to capture? And on that document, we divided the wedding up into different stages or phases as we did throughout this course. You want to start to think about those, and by doing that, you can plan ahead so that when it comes time to photograph a wedding, you're ready. Another way that you can take another next step is by practicing. Perhaps the…
