From the course: Learning Wedding Photography

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Documenting the groomsmen

Documenting the groomsmen

Photographing the bride and the bridesmaid is one thing, photographing the groom and the groomsmen is something completely different. This group of guys, well, they've somehow come together, and there will be a different dynamic or energy. Often what you have to do in these situations is you have to really lead and direct. You have to kind of become one of the gang, get them on your side in order to create some sort of an interesting photograph. So, let's take a look at a few pictures which will help illustrate some ways that we can work with grooms and their groomsmen. The first photograph that I want to show is this one here. It's kind of setting the scene. The guys are sitting in this room. They are kind of fidgeting, they are almost a little bit bored, they are just waiting, they want something to happen. So, I stood up on piano bench and just captured this shot. You know, it's these waiting moments which are kind of interesting. Well, after having captured this, I just started to…
