From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code

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Code navigation

Code navigation

Before you can write your next magical line of code, you've got to get your cursor where that code should go. Let's look at some options to help you do that as efficiently as possible. You've already seen that using the explorer on the activity bar is an easy way to browse the files and folders in a project and quickly open the ones you want to work on. Another quick way to open a file, if you know the name of it, is to press "Ctrl P" to open a search box. You can then just start typing the name of a file. I know my project has a JavaScript file named menus.js, so I'll type menus. When you find the result you're looking for, just select it and press "Enter" to open it. Once you have several files open, you can move between them by clicking the tabs at the top of the editor group. Another option is to use the Ctrl tab keyboard shortcut. Command tab on a Mac. Holding down the Ctrl key and pressing "Tab" will open a small dropdown at the top of the editor showing you a list of currently…
