From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

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Improving the whites of the eyes

Improving the whites of the eyes - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

Improving the whites of the eyes

- [Narrator] Next, let's take a look at how we can improve the whites of the eyes. We'll be working with this portrait here, and this is actually an image that we've seen previously in this course. Previously, we explored how we could improve some of the skin and also the tones or the brightness of the skin. Next, I want to work on the eyes, and often that's our workflow. We work on a certain area, and then we get to another area. Well, here, with this image, let's zoom into the eyes and take a look at what we have here. For me with portraits, it's all about the eyes. I find the eyes endlessly fascinating. And when I zoom in, I notice a few little veins here, and I want to remove those, so we'll create a new layer. Click on the new layer icon, and then next we'll double click the layer name here. We'll call this one Eyes. And from here what we want to do is select the spot healing brush, so go ahead and choose a spot healing brush. And up top we can choose our brush size. Often what…
