From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

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Challenge: Improving a group portrait

Challenge: Improving a group portrait - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

Challenge: Improving a group portrait

- [Chris] Welcome to the challenge for this chapter. For this challenge, we'll be working with a group portrait, and here we will look at how we will combine two separate frames together in order to change the expression on one of the people in this capture. This is one of the frames that we'll work with. We'll combine this with another frame, which is this one right here, and the goal is to modify the person who is second from the left. You can see here her eyes are closed, and she's looking off to the side. What we'll do is we'll use the version of that person from the other capture and bring it into this frame, so that then we can create an image which looks like this. This is the goal. For this challenge, oh give yourself five to seven minutes approximately. After you finish the challenge, come back to the solution movie, and there you can take a look at how I would approach this one. Well good luck on the challenge, and I'll see you in the next movie.
