From the course: Learning Photoshop Color Correction

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Arranging the Photoshop workspace

Arranging the Photoshop workspace - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Photoshop Color Correction

Arranging the Photoshop workspace

In this video, I'd like to show you how to set up your Photoshop workspace. This is a good idea to do this, to get a standard set up for your tools and your panels, so that you're always looking at the same set of tools and panels, and they're organized in the same way. Makes it much easier for you, you can work faster and more consistently. All right, let's start here by go ahead and just launching an image out of Bridge, and open it up in Photoshop. And the first thing that you'll notice here, if you've worked in Photoshop very much you know there's a couple of different ways that you can open up images in Photoshop. They can display as an individual floating image like this, or as a tab, and this is strictly a personal preference. I like to have mine floating, I don't like the tabs, but you probably want to decide which way you want it, and then set that up inside of Photoshop. So let's go ahead and do that by going into our Preferences, so that's kind of the first set up that…
