From the course: Learning Photoshop

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Fill in larger areas

Fill in larger areas - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Photoshop

Fill in larger areas

- [Instructor] Content-aware fill and the special content-aware fill workspace are really amazing features in Photoshop. With Content-aware fill, you can cover up almost anything, including larger objects and including items that maybe you're having trouble covering up with other retouching tools. Here we have this incredibly cute image of a horse and a dog, but let's say that we don't want the dog to be in the photo. We'll try to remove him using content-aware fill. The first step is to make a selection of the dog. You can use any selection tool for this. It could be something as simple as the Lasso tool but I'm going to use the Quick Selection tool in this case because it's quicker. And with that tool and a fairly small brush, I'll move into the image and I'm just going to drag over the dog and that gives me an initial selection. When you use content-aware fill, it often helps to have some space between the selection…
