From the course: Learning iZotope Ozone
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Module browser - Ozone Tutorial
From the course: Learning iZotope Ozone
Module browser
- [Instructor] By clicking at the bottom of the screen, you can open the Module Browser. In Ozone Advanced there are 11 custom modules you can choose from. We can select a module by clicking on it. Once the module is in our Signal Flow, again, we can drag to reorder that module. And then another thing we can do is insert our favorite VSTs or audio unit plugins into Signal Chain. So I'm going to click on Insert Module, and now let's go to this Plug-Ins tab, and here I'll stay in the Native Instruments folder here, and we can bring in the Vari Comp, double click here. And now you can see it's added this module. Once this one is in our chain, we can also drag to reorder our plugins from our favorite manufacturers. In the next video, I'm going to quickly show you how to access all of the individual module presets as well as track presets which contain multiple modules.