From the course: Learning iZotope Ozone

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EQ basics

EQ basics

- [Instructor] The equalizer is one of the most powerful tools for sculpting the way things sound. In the mixing process it is primarily used to give each element, like a bass line or vocal, its own frequency space. It can also be used to eliminate unwanted or unneeded frequencies, for example room nodes or below 100 hertz in a vocal. In the mastering process, EQ is generally used in a more subtle way, on your finished mix to make certain parts stand out, tighten or focus low end, or make a collection of tracks have a similar sound, for example when mastering an album. Here we have our basic EQ module loaded, and I'm going to show you how it works. I'll also show you some really cool EQ tricks and techniques later in this chapter. So, in general, in the mastering process, EQ is used in a more subtle way. You're generally going to make bigger moves in the low end and smaller moves in the high end. And then our EQ here is divided by nodes which mark the different frequency bands, and…
