From the course: Learning Headshot Photography

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Simple poses

Simple poses

- We're talking about headshot portraits here. So I'd like to show you some simple ways to pose people for headshots. I'm not talking about their entire bodies, I'm not talking about couples or families. That's a whole other science. This is just some simple poses for making a pretty good headshot with just about anybody. The first thing you do is kind of just position your person straight towards the camera, just like Cameron is right now. And then the first principle I like to use is to turn their body away from the main light. So, Cameron, would you just turn and face kind of this direction? Yeah, that's maybe a little too far. Turn back this way about 45, yeah, about 45 degrees like that. That's really good. Okay, so now Cameron's feet are pointed away from the main light. His hips are pointed away from the main light. But I will ask Cameron to turn his shoulders back towards me a bit. Yeah, right about like that. That's good. And then, Cameron, go ahead and turn and look at the…
