From the course: Learning HDR Efex Pro 2.0

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Color adjustments

Color adjustments

One of the things you'll likely notice as you're working with your images in HDR Efex Pro is that the tonal adjustments you apply can have a dramatic impact on the color. For example, darkening down some of the brighter tones within the image, can really bring out a lot of color. Of course, at times you'll also want to apply some other adjustments that effect the color of the image. And there are a few options for us in the color section on the right panel. I'll go ahead and click on that section in order to expand it. And you can see, we have saturation adjustments as well as temperature and tint. The saturation adjustment allows us to adjust the intensity of colors in the image, in effect modifying the purity of colors. As we increase saturation, we're increasing the purity of colors within the photo so that they're closer to the primary colors and just more intense, more vibrant. As we reduce the value for saturation, we're toning down those colors. We're reducing the purity…
