From the course: Learning HDR Efex Pro 2.0

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A tour of HDR Efex Pro

A tour of HDR Efex Pro

HDR Efex Pro consists of several pieces. We start off, of course, by identifying the images that we want to blend together into an HDR image, or identifying the single image that we want to apply tone mapping to, and then we can process those images with HDR Pro, primarily merging our multiple exposures together. But most of the time that you're going to spend working with HDR Efex Pro will be with the tone mapping controls. And so, this interface that you see here is going to be the interface that you spend the most time with as you're working on your photos. Let's take a look at how this overall interface is structured, so that you'll feel more comfortable finding your way around and fine tuning your photos. Over on the left side, we have the preset library, and this is where we have saved presets that allow us to quickly, with one click, apply a particular look to the photo that we're currently working with. We can scroll through all of the various presets and click on any one we'd…
