From the course: Learning Design Research

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Focus group

Focus group

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll look at another research tool, a focus group. A focus group is a similar tool to an interview. The main difference is that a set of questions are asked to multiple people at once. Now this creates a couple of key distinctions. The first is discussion. Sometimes when people start talking through their ideas new topics can emerge. All of a sudden one participant says something that triggers a thought in another's mind and the conversation moves in a direction that the researcher may not have anticipated. Another distinction is that participants may feel more comfortable talking and being honest in a group setting. However, you have to be careful, sometimes one participant may dominate the conversation and influence the opinions and remarks of the others. A good focus group should run with a small group of people. Usually no less than six and no more than 10. And the discussion is led by a…
