From the course: Learning Craft Photography

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Images for blogging

Images for blogging

In this movie I want to talk about images used in blogging. When I started my craft cooking and gardening blog there were a few things I noticed right away. First of all when I am posting a new blog, I usually open with an image and then write a little something about that image below it. And I find that that's a good way to really draw the viewer in to whatevers going on. Well I'm sure we're all very interesting writers and crafters many people do just kind of skim through the images on a blog, and if there isn't something pretty compelling, then they might just keep on scrolling. So opening with a specific image is a good way to kind of draw the viewer in and just tell them what this post is about. Now another thing that I like to think about when I'm blogging is how my photographs are going to look against my blog. So in this photo right here, I've got a nice dark image and it looks great against my blog with this really dark background. But then when you scroll down, I do have…
