From the course: Learning Aurora HDR 2018

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Reducing chromatic aberration

Reducing chromatic aberration - Aurora HDR Tutorial

From the course: Learning Aurora HDR 2018

Reducing chromatic aberration

- Chromatic aberration is an annoying problem that doesn't always raise its head. What happens here is, it shows up particularly on zoom lenses, typically older zoom lenses, or cheaper zoom lenses, are more subject to the problem. What happens is, as the white passes through multiple lens elements, you can create some aberration or color fringing. This usually shows up as pink, green, magenta, or cyan colors, typically the more greenish or pinkish towns in the high contrast areas. In this case, we've got a nice high contrast scene, and as such, we're going to see some problems. Additionally, the clouds are moving here in the scene. So I'm going to take advantage, because it was a very windy day, of Ghost Reduction, as well as Chromatic Aberration Correction. I know it's rock solid because I shot from a beefy tripod, so I don't need alignment, but I will take advantage of Ghost Reduction and Color Denoise, but I'm going to leave Chromatic Aberration off for a moment, and create the…
