From the course: Leading through Chaos

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Change fatigue

Change fatigue

- Author Denis Waitley once said, "You must welcome change as the rule, "but not as your ruler." Organizations are in a constant state of change. Some initiatives are planned change, you know, changes that are part of a strategic initiative. Others arise out of an unexpected set of events, such as an epidemic or a natural disaster. Regardless of the reason for change, it can be exhausting. In this video, you'll learn how to recognize when your team is experiencing change fatigue, and then how to energize them around change. This is especially important during chaotic times, as the speed of change is heightened. Change management is not just a buzzword. It's the ongoing reality for any organization that wants to remain relevant. However, all of this change comes at a cost to companies in the form of employees experiencing change fatigue. Employees who are experiencing change fatigue are less productive and less engaged,…
