From the course: Introducing Postman
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Workspaces - Postman Tutorial
From the course: Introducing Postman
- [Instructor] Postman's real power comes from its ability to organize and persist requests so they can be used again and again. As my team and countless others have observed, this capability is an enormous productivity and communication enhancer. Postman organizes requests in a hierarchical fashion. The top level is the workspace, and it's where all of our interactions with Postman have taken place thus far. Workspaces capture request history, serve as a container for collections, folders, and environments. And more advanced features like monitoring and API mocking, which are beyond the scope of this course. For the most part, workspaces stay out of our way. If you've been working on a simple project, you probably won't even notice or care that you're in a workspace. In fact, since we've making only ad-hoc requests, the fact that we've been in a workspace is largely inconsequential. This is great for personal accounts which allow for only one workspace. But with a Postman account…
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Workspaces2m 29s
Collections and folders5m 55s
Authenticate requests5m 35s
Using request history6m 5s
Document requests5m 51s
Provide examples2m 44s
View documentation2m 26s
Publish documentation1m 37s
Challenge: Organize and document28s
Solution: Organize and document2m 49s