From the course: Inkjet Printing for Photographers

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Understanding resolution

Understanding resolution

We all have our little pet peeves and one of mine is when certain words aren't used correctly, and resolution is a term that is almost always misused. In digital photography terms, resolution is simply a measure of how many pixels there are in an image over a given area. So if an image has resolution of 72 pixels per inch, then no matter how many pixels there are in the image, they are spaced so that it takes 72 of them to cover a one linear inch. Now many people, including camera makers and vendors, will speak of a camera having a particular resolution. This camera has a resolution of 14 megapixels. 14 megapixels is not a measure of resolution. It's a pixel count. A camera doesn't actually have a resolution. Sure, the pixels on the sensor are spaced a particular way, but that's pretty meaningless in the real world, because the sensors are so small. The fact is, an image can have any resolution that you want it to have, because you can choose to space the pixels closer together or…
