From the course: Inkjet Printing for Photographers

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Summing up

Summing up

The tonal adjustments we've covered in this chapter are critical to getting good prints. Now, hopefully the before and after examples we've shown and the surrounding conversation have helped you understand what good tone in a print looks like. A big part of good printing is simply learning the aesthetics of what makes one print work better than another. 90% of what I do to fix an image before printing is exactly what you've seen in this chapter. I analyze different areas of the scene to determine if the tone in those areas is correct, and then I use localized adjustments to fix those areas. Usually, I simply follow the light in the scene. If one area is lit differently than another, then I edit each of those differently lit bits, applying whatever corrections are necessary. I use Levels Adjustment layers and layer masks for my edits, both because they give me histograms specific to my masked area and because they're nondestructive. If I adjust an image, make a test print, and then…
