From the course: Information Management: Document Security

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Layers of cloud security

Layers of cloud security

- [Instructor] There's another aspect of cloud security that needs consideration. As we've already discussed, cloud services can include not only servers and storage, it can include applications and other tools as well. Infrastructure as a service or IaaS is the term used to describe what we've been talking about so far, using virtual hardware to increase storage or processing power. And you may have heard the term software as a service or SaaS. In the SaaS model, applications are hosted online rather than being installed on individual computers. If someone wants to use the tool, they log into the application via the internet. Things like Office 365 and Google Workplace are perfect examples of SaaS. All the different applications that are available through your web browser, Salesforce and Cisco WebEx are other SaaS products that can live entirely online. There's also platform as a service or PaaS. Now, this is different…
