From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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- [Instructor] You can save time when you start working on a new project by using Illustrator templates. The template feature allows you to create a new document that's going to share common settings and design elements. You can create a template with a specified art board size view settings and print options. Templates can also contain symbols and other design elements as well as graphic, character, and paragraph styles. Pretty much anything that you include in your file. Guides, grids, zoom levels, symbols, swatches, styles. All of these things can be incorporated into the template. Heres a file that I want to use for a template. Let me just review how I've set this up. I have the guide layer that I created and I like to keep my guides on a separate layer. I've already created the guidelines based on the columns that I want to use in these particular projects. I have a art small, an art medium, and an art large layer. They will contain the appropriate artwork for each of the…
