From the course: HDR Photography: Shooting and Processing

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When to use HDR

When to use HDR

Taking a picture involves answering a lot of questions and solving a lot of problems. How should I frame my shot, how can I frame all those power lines, do I want motion to be blurry or frozen, do I want deep depth of field, how can I work around that backlighting, how can I preserve detail where I want it? HDR techniques are just another set of tools that you have at your disposal for addressing all of those various problems. HDR techniques will not help you with every image. On some images they'll have no effect at all. But as we've seen and as we'll be exploring throughout this course, for certain situations HDR techniques give you another way to solve particular photographic problems. For the entire history of photography, photographers have been dealing with the fact that that their cameras cannot capture the full range that they can see with their eyes. Because of that limitation, photographic vocabulary developed around the ideas of light and shadow and their interplay. And so,…
