From the course: Game Design Foundations: 2 Systems, Chance, and Strategy

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Tradeoffs and dilemmas

Tradeoffs and dilemmas

- [Instructor] When we think of meaningful decisions in games, by default, we tend to think of being presented with a couple of choices and, from those, deciding which choice we prefer. But some choices aren't always so clear. Sometimes when presented with multiple options, we actually need both of them or we really like one but, in taking it, we risk the possibility of a consequence that we'd rather not face, like stealing something from an NPC, for instance. These choices, these moments in game, are the moments that players remember well beyond the game itself. Some of the most compelling decisions in games are those which present the player with a dilemma or require them to make a trade-off in order to accomplish her goals. In this video, we're going to look at some of those decisions specifically and study their applicability to games in general. So what's a trade-off? Let's start by exploring trade-offs. A trade-off occurs when one of two things happens. First, there's a single…
