From the course: Figma: Using Auto Layout

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Setting padding

Setting padding

- [Instructor] Let's talk about padding. In auto layout, padding is used to control empty space between the borders of the auto layout frame and the objects within it. Now let's quickly get to practice and open Figma to explore how we can set paddings within an auto layout frame. Make sure to use an exercise file where we have two layers inside of our Figma project, a rectangle and a star. So I'm going to quickly zoom into my working area, select both of these layers and apply auto layout by clicking on the plus icon in the auto layout panel. So in our auto layout settings, you can use both of these fields to control horizontal and vertical padding. At the moment, you can see that the values are set to 20 pixels for horizontal padding as well as for vertical padding. I'm going to quickly duplicate this frame with Control + D key shortcut and place it on the side. So right now I'm going to actually modify my padding to the value of 40 pixels horizontally and also to 10 pixels…
