From the course: Exploring Tor and the Dark Web

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Routing traffic over the Tor network

Routing traffic over the Tor network - Tor Browser Tutorial

From the course: Exploring Tor and the Dark Web

Routing traffic over the Tor network

- [Instructor] Once you've installed the Tor browser, you're ready to begin routing traffic anonymously over the Tor network. Let's go ahead and connect to the Tor network. When I click the Connect button, my Tor browser reaches out to the Tor directory server, retrieves the list of available nodes, and then selects an entry node, a relay node, and an exit node. I'm then able to browse the internet anonymously. Let's go visit again. When the page loads, I can click the circuit icon in the address bar to see how my traffic is being routed across the internet. In this case, the traffic is leaving my computer located in California and being routed onto the Tor network through an entry guard node located in Germany. From there, it's being bounced through a relay node in the United States, an exit node in the Netherlands, which then passes the traffic on to When I visit a different website, let's say I want to go visit "The New York Times," and I…
