From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Crop and print

Crop and print

- [Instructor] Check out this beautiful receipt that we have for our business. But there are two issues. One, we are no longer open 24 hours, so your help is needed to just crop that piece off. The second issue is, when we go to print this, this lovely fish logo is not printing out, look. I want to go to File, Print, no fish. So, will you please change the property so that that logo will print? And notice that the sheet is protected, so you're going to have to unprotect and re-protect the sheet, watch. And it's not moving, the cursor is not moving. And then watch it jump. See, so the sheet is protected. So, when you're ready, pause the video, grab that exercise file, make this happen, come back, and we'll do it together. All right, you're back. First, we go to Review, Unprotect Sheet. Now it's unprotected. We can touch our beautiful logo. Let's go to Format, because now that we are touching the image,…
