From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Change the gridlines

Change the gridlines

- [Instructor] We've got this data. And let's look at how it's printing. And first of all, do you notice these red grid lines? Kind of strange, but let's look at this. I'm going to go to File and then Print. Look at that. We got this inspectors list, these red lines. It's on two pages. We've got the objectives box. We don't want it to print like this. Okay, so let's get out of here. Now, here is the challenge. Change the grid lines to a pleasing gray. Set the document to print landscape. And yes, print the grid lines and do not print the objectives box, don't print the inspectors list, and ensure that this prints on one sheet. All right. Pause the video, take care of that, come on back, and I'll go through it. (upbeat music) Let's get into it. I'm going to fix these garish grid lines first. Go into File and then Options. Go to Advanced. Scroll down. I want display options for this worksheet. And notice…
