From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data
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Using PivotTables for basic analysis - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data
Using PivotTables for basic analysis
- [Instructor] By having the data set up in this flat file, meaning that we have raw rows and columns of data, there aren't any subtotals in this data, no empty columns or rows. Let's scroll down and look at the data really fast. Yes, we do have empty cells, but we don't have complete empty rows or columns. So let's scroll back up. Let's first think about what we might ask about this data. What would we want to know? And that helps us to understand how pivot tables can be so helpful. We might want to look at the donations by month or by quarter. We might want to look at 'em by state or payment method. But then we can look at 'em two ways, by quarter, by state. Maybe we'd like to know the donations that came from Ohio by Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. Maybe we want a count of donations by quarter. That'll help us understand, say, if we see, say, $1,000 in one month, was that two donations or was that 25 donations? We can see all of that…
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SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, and related functions for data analysis6m 43s
A quick word about PivotTables4m 35s
Using PivotTables for basic analysis11m 39s
Using tables to support PivotTable integrity6m
Identify top or bottom values with Conditional Formatting5m 39s