From the course: Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering

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Challenge: Avoiding online dating scams

Challenge: Avoiding online dating scams

From the course: Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering

Challenge: Avoiding online dating scams

- [Instructor] Let's do a challenge. In this challenge, you'll learn how to recognize potential signs of an online dating scam, along with some good practice advice on how to avoid becoming a victim. First, you'll head out to this website where the FBI warns of online dating scams. You'll find the link in the document that contains the links. Read the article and then answer three questions. List five signs that the online love interests might be a scam artist. Discuss some best practice advice if you or someone you know is involved in online dating. And outline what you should do if you or someone you know is a victim of an online dating scam. So pause the video, read the article, and complete the challenge. And then come back and see what my thoughts were. This challenge should take you about 10 minutes. Good luck.
