From the course: Enterprise Architecture Foundations

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Solution architecture

Solution architecture

- Applications work together to solve business problems. There need to be coordination, standardization, you could even call it choreography, because when it's done right, you don't notice the pain points, you just see the elegance of individual pieces working together. This is what we call a solution. A solution can be defined as a group of related, integrated applications that support business capabilities. Great, but what does a solution architect do? Well, solution architects do the fitting and coordinating to create the solution. They do the work of plugging systems together to handle complex business workflows. They also focus on the space between these solutions, known as systems integration. Application architects, for their part, design applications so that they can be integrated with other systems. Solution architects then connect the systems together when needed. When I was a solution architect, I spent a lot of time helicoptering between application and enterprise-level…
