From the course: Enterprise Architecture Foundations

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Application architecture

Application architecture

- There are three major architectural scopes. Application, solution, and enterprise. Application architecture is closest to the software development process. Also known as technical architecture, it deals with detailed systems designs. IT systems are composed of a selection of platforms, reusable software components, and paid and open source software. In my first role as an application architect, I was assigned to a few applications with a relatively narrow focus. I did write some code. Sometimes I would test out design ideas that we would call proofs of concept. I didn't spend every day with the development teams but we were in regular communication. I depended on the development teams for updates to their progress, and they depended on me for design consultation and documentation. Let's consider a point of sale application. You know, the system that takes your money when you buy something at a store. It has a related set of functions. For example, it scans product labels, sums up…
