From the course: Diverse Talent in Recruiting and Hiring

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Techniques to maximize diverse candidate shortlisting

Techniques to maximize diverse candidate shortlisting

From the course: Diverse Talent in Recruiting and Hiring

Techniques to maximize diverse candidate shortlisting

- Have you experienced this? You spend a lot of time curating an inclusive recruiting process. You rewrite your job description, you begin building a broader network, you get feedback from different stakeholders, and then you work side-by-side with your HR teams to use tools and technology to reduce biases in your process, but then you end up with a shortlist of homogeneous candidates. What happened? A number of things could have gone wrong that resulted in this scenario. Maybe you were not clear on whether the role was a culture fit or a culture add. Maybe the job description was not as inclusive as it could have been. Maybe you and your teams were just tapping the same sourcing pools for talent, or unchecked biases were present throughout key decision points in your process. And yet, there's another reason we see many recruiting processes go wrong by teams not adequately managing the candidate shortlisting…
