From the course: Digital Transformation Foundations

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Digital twin

Digital twin

- [Instructor] All digital transformation technologies are deployed to support the digital twin, which provides the structure for the software and data analytics, and is the engine that produces the value. The digital twin is the most important technology in digital transformation. You can think of the digital twin as a simulation. It consists of a federation of models and applications, and their respective data structures. Models are not new. We've had models in CAD or animation or in video games for years, and many things can be simulated. But in our case, the digital twin is simulating how value is created. And as a side note, there are two instances of the model and its data structure. One for the application, and the other one for the analytics. The digital twin model is alive as part of a closed feedback loop, incorporating real-world data from both its sensors and its external systems. These models are…
