From the course: Developing Secure Software

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Security vulnerabilities

Security vulnerabilities

- [Narrator] Security vulnerabilities must be managed systematically to help identify weaknesses in the affected source code of a software system. A close inspection of the source code sometimes lead to something more fundamental that is a design flaw. Many automated vulnerability management systems take advantage of the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, or CVE, database maintained by Mitre. CVE is a repository of all the reported security vulnerabilities associated with a specific software system. Each CVE entry has a unique identifier, which is commonly used by many commercial vulnerability management systems to refer to a specific software vulnerability. On the other hand, Common Weakness Enumeration, or CWE, categorizes the vulnerabilities identified in CVE. Therefore, CWE has fewer entries in its database and offers a list of all the different types of vulnerabilities instead of their instances. CVE has too many software product-specific details to be useful as a basis for…
