From the course: Designing for Business

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Promotional graphic design

Promotional graphic design - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Designing for Business

Promotional graphic design

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to create a banner design. Now a trade show banner is a large format type of design and a good rule of thumb when you create the final art is to do it no less than 50% of the final size. In this movie, we won't be working that large. We're just creating the overall idea to sell it to others so it's a bit smaller and fits on an 8.5-by-11 sheet of paper. I just wanted to point that out before we jumped into this. So as you approach a design like this even though you know in the real world it's going to stand about as tall is another person if this is let's say for a trade show that your company product or company is going to, just keep in mind the way you design it, the way you think out the design is going to be no different than maybe a postcard. The same principles will apply. It'll just be displayed larger, so pay close attention to those principles because people will see it a…
