From the course: Designing for Business

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- [Von] Remember, creativity is for anyone, because creativity can be applied to any problem that needs to be solved, and since creativity is how you think, anyone can leverage creative thinking and apply it. The same is true with the fundamentals of design. You might need to practice using them for a while to get more proficient, but like creativity in general, anyone can do this. I hope the principles I covered in this course will help you approach design with more confidence and help you appreciate the work of design professionals you might work with in the future as well. If you still feel a bit overwhelmed and intimidated by design, I encourage you to embrace that fear, because fear is part of the creative process and should be expected, but don't let it hold you back. Recognize it and use it as a fulcrum to practice the design methods we covered in this course, and you'll see improvement in your core skills. As…
