From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases
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Use built-in functions
From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases
Use built-in functions
- [Instructor] Each database platform includes hundreds of built-in functions that you can use to manipulate your data. If you've ever applied a formula to your data in a spreadsheet application like Excel then you're familiar with the concept. Functions take in values in the form of arguments, process them through some routine and then return new values. If I select just the Price column from the Products table by running lines three and four, you can see that we get a lot of information back. There are 144 values here that correspond to the 144 products in the table. We're just pulling the column straight out of the Products table and displaying it all by itself. We can now use some built-in functions to give us statistical information about all of this data. Let me move this results window down on the screen a little bit so I can see line seven through 11. First, we're going to use the MAX function. Then inside the…
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Display column aliases with AS4m 59s
Mathematical operations3m 20s
Use built-in functions5m 51s
Aggregate data with GROUP BY3m 34s
Filtering groups with HAVING3m 13s
Challenge: Query data1m 3s
Solution: Query data9m 39s
Solution: Query summary statistics6m 57s