From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Removing unwanted frames

Removing unwanted frames

- If you've identified that some frames in a time-lapse are unwanted, it's a good idea to remove them. But what could make a frame problematic? Well, maybe you repositioned the camera or had a slight adjustment to the overall framing. Perhaps somebody stepped in front of your camera or a bird landed on the end of your lens for a second. Maybe something distracting happened like the light got flipped on in the room when you were shooting a nighttime time-lapse. In any case, it's possible that the shot gets interrupted or that you make some tweaks and then it settles down. In either case, it's a good idea to remove the frames that are offensive and just delete them or move them to a new destination. Now, we already grouped these into stacks in the previous section. And remember, stacks make it easy to drag through and see things. You could just grab the playhead here and scrub on through. And it gives you a good idea of…
