From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Color grading the time-lapse sequence with Adobe Premiere Pro

Color grading the time-lapse sequence with Adobe Premiere Pro

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Color grading the time-lapse sequence with Adobe Premiere Pro

- [Instructor] Additionally, you have the ability to color correct the shot. I suggest you do this with an adjustment layer. In the project panel, you can click the new item and choose adjustment layer and then drag it on top of the shot in your sequence. This way things like the vignette effect will apply evenly to the frame and not the scaling clip. Let's select this, and we'll switch to the color grading workspace. Now we can really refine things. For example, I want to pop the white point a bit while recovering the highlights. This creates a little bit more dynamic range. Contrast can also be effective here in this clip. Look at how it's really bringing out the sky nicely. And then I'll play with the balance of shadows versus black point there. And a little recovery of the shadows went a long way to make the sky more interesting. I'll also use the curves adjustment here and come down to hue versus luma. I can…
