From the course: Creating .NET MAUI Applications with Blazor

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Implementing authentication with Auth0: Part 1

Implementing authentication with Auth0: Part 1 - .NET MAUI Tutorial

From the course: Creating .NET MAUI Applications with Blazor

Implementing authentication with Auth0: Part 1

- [Instructor] With our backend now set up, we can implement authorization in our application. Make sure to get the starting code for this video as there have been a few changes made. Most notably, the login service has been moved to the shared core project. And let's open up that file. And here's the login service under a new services directory. And we're going to start by setting up a few variables. And I can remove this isAuthenticate flag as we no longer need it, and we're going to start replacing it. So we're going to make a place to hold the token that we get back. So we'll go private static string _token, and we'll set that equal to string.empty. Also, want to take in a couple references. One being the platform helper. Actually, private read-only, IPlatformhelper. And we also add a variable for a key value store. This allows us to store key value pairs on the client. This will use MAUI Secure Storage on our MAUI…
