From the course: Creating a Photography Portfolio

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Simple and effective Instagram strategies

Simple and effective Instagram strategies

From the course: Creating a Photography Portfolio

Simple and effective Instagram strategies

- [Instructor] Once you have launched your portfolio it's time to begin to market it, to get the word out, to increase your online presence. A great way to do that is to share the images which you have on your portfolio on different social media sites, like Instagram, Facebook, and others. And so here what I'm going to do is talk about a bit of a workflow, so that you can expedite the way that you do that rather than having to do it from scratch every day. Alright, well here's what you can do. You already have a folder of images, which are already finished, complete, perfected, you want to take advantage of that and here's how. Inside of Lightroom go to that folder and select all of those files, then next you're going to create Collections for each different social media site. So here we'll go ahead and select those, click on the plus icon in Collections, and choose Create Collection. The Collection we'll create first is for Instagram, so I'll just abbreviate that, IG. I want to…
