From the course: Creating a Photography Portfolio

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Creating a visual identity in Photoshop

Creating a visual identity in Photoshop

From the course: Creating a Photography Portfolio

Creating a visual identity in Photoshop

- [Instructor] In this movie, I want to provide a quick look at how we might use Photoshop in order to create a visual ID or logo. And in order to do that, I'll first talk about the brand, and then we'll go through a few logo options, and then take a look at how we can use Photoshop in order to design or build a visual identity of our own. All right, well, I have a brand that I want to create. It's called Savor Every Second, that's the domain name. And it's for my family photography, and so here first, I'm just going to go through a number of different iterations that I've tried out in regards to trying to come up with an interesting brand for this project. You get a feel for the type treatment and the color and the different look and feel that I have here, and essentially, I'm using different marks or logos, and you can see as I scroll through these, there are quite a bit of different options, as you can see here. Well, how do we do something like that, and how do we also have a lot…
