From the course: Cloud Security Concepts: Services and Compliance (2021)

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Reference security architecture

Reference security architecture

- [Instructor] A reference architecture for cloud security is really a set of concepts, technologies, and processes that you can potentially leverage for your own cloud security solution. The notion here is not to adopt everything within this reference architecture, that's basically impossible, but to find the solution in the reference architecture that is applicable to your specific requirements. This is really about leveraging a complex checklist of sorts, allowing you to make sure that you've thought through at least most of the concepts around cloud security. It's also good to see what challenges they are in. Such as operations support services, business support services, security risk management, or subcategories, such as IT operations, service delivery, or service support that's a part of operations support services. We're going to provide you with this framework for future reference. However, it's important to…
