From the course: Cert Prep: Unity Certified Associate Game Developer Design, Production, and Industry Awareness

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Using a kanban board

Using a kanban board

- [Instructor] In the previous movie, we created two tasks associated with the buyer cake layer mechanic. This allows players to buy various cake layers by spending points on them. And in identifying that mechanic, we found two tasks. One is a point system assigned to programmers, and the other is a point icon assigned to the art team. In this movie, we're going to take a look at how we can manage these tasks and the workload by using a Kanban board. To find this, we're going to go to the boards section here. I'll click on Boards on the left-hand side, and immediately on doing so you'll see underneath that there was a board there called sprint one. Now I can add additional boards, simply by clicking the ellipsis and clicking Create board to add new board. This board is called sprint one. And the reason it's called sprint one, is because by using an agile methodology, which is simply a way of working, each idea, each…
