From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop

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Rulers, grids, and guides

Rulers, grids, and guides

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at what you need to know about using grids, guides, and rulers for the Photoshop ACP exam, and we'll start with guides. To create a guide, make sure that rulers are showing by choosing View, Rulers, and note that you can change the ruler units by right clicking on them and choosing Other Units, like I can choose inches here, or by going to Settings and selecting Units & Rulers, and you can change the units right here. I'll set it back to pixels, and I can drag out from either ruler to create a guide. So, I can create horizontal guides and vertical guides. I can hold the shift key as I drag to make the guide snap to my ruler units, and I can hold option or Alt as I drag to change a guide between horizontal and vertical orientation. To remove a guide, select it using the Move tool and press delete or backspace. You can also drag it back to the ruler to remove it. Double clicking a guide with the move tool will bring up Guide Preferences, and here you can…
