From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop
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Gradients - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop
- [Instructor] Let's take a look at what you should know about creating and customizing gradients in Photoshop for the ACP exam. And what we're going to do here is create a metallic chrome gradient effect on this type, using a gradient preset, and then customizing it. So to start in the Layers panel, let's activate the chrome layer and turn it into a selection by holding the command or control key and clicking on the layer thumbnail. And with that active selection, let's take the gradient tool from the toolbar. And now in the Options bar at the top of the window, we see our gradient options. So there's a menu for picking a preset gradient and there are lots of them to choose from. There are buttons for choosing the shape of the gradient, like linear, radial, and so on. You can reverse a gradient. You can add dithering to avoid visible bands of color and make sure you have a smooth transition. And we also have a gradient panel, which is grouped with color, swatches, and patterns over…
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Document settings3m 45s
Application workspace6m 3s
Preferences2m 48s
Importing assets5m 17s
Rulers, grids, and guides4m 9s
Colors4m 3s
Swatches3m 12s
Gradients4m 4s
Patterns2m 44s
Brushes3m 24s
Shapes3m 14s